Saturday 12 May 2012



Baru hari ini aku ngestalk tlnya Devin, dan ternyata dari 6 hari yang lalu dia beberapa kali ngetweet tentang @eglaegla. SIAPA DIA? SIAPA DIA?!

This is his tweets:

And this is @eglaegla's icon. It's her with her little cousin. (I knew it from her tweet)


Okay. I don't know her. Actually, I don't really know both of them.

This is not his fault, or hers. Not mine, of course. They're dating, and I don't even exist in their life. She's his girlfriend, and he's her boyfriend, but who I am? I'm just his fan and that's all. It's not important.

But it does mean something. At least for me.

Why do I feel like this? Why I reply to his tweets everyday? Why I think about him like he's everything? Why I talked about him like I know him? Why do I said it like he's my boyfriend? Why does his name appears in my status? Why does his photos set as my display picture?

Because I care. Because I'm not just a fan, I adore him, although I know he's not for me.

Finally I understand why Beliebers felt brokenhearted when Justin Bieber dated Selena Gomez. Justin loves Selena, and Beliebers sure loves Justin, but there's nothing they can do.

Same with me. Devin and his girlfriend are in love, and I have no reason to hate him/her. It's like, we're thinking why some of Beliebers hate Selena? She doesn't have any mistake. Soooo, same again, I can't hate Devin's girlfriend. (I don't know her real name, the only thing I know is; @eglaegla is her twitter account. #fine)

Balik lagi ke permasalahan yang tadi, aku emang gabisa nyalahin mereka, aku gabisa benci mereka karena mereka gapunya salah, tapi kenapa aku harus ngerasain kaya gini? Kenal aja engga.

Harusnya aku ga perlu peduli dari awal. Soalnya Devin juga ga peduli sama aku.

Tapi sekarang aku harus gimana? Aku terlanjur ngeceng Devin beneran tapi dianya udah punya orang lain. Ini tuh bener bener harkos. Aku langsung ganti dp, ganti status, ganti location, ganti bio yang tadinya semua Devin. Tapi apa harus se lebay itu? Malah tadinya aku mau ngehapus semua fotonya dan gaakan dengerin lagunya lagi. Akhirnya aku sadar, kalo aku kaya gitu malah kepikir, nantinya nyesel dan gaada gunanya juga.

Aku bisa mulai dari ga ngemention Devin lagi kaya dulu.

No more Mrs. Oliver wannabe = no more mentions.


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